A canadian and a greek
An improv theater show
Δημοσίευση 29/3/2023 | 11:12
Δύο αυτοσχεδιαστές ανεβαίνουν στη σκηνή για πρώτη φορά έβερ ως ντουέτο, για να δημιουργήσουν μία μοναδική αυτοσχεδιαστική ιστορία.
Στα πλαίσια της ευρωπαϊκής του περιοδείας improv 2023, ο Kevin Gillese και ο Μενέλαος Πρόκος θα κάνουν μια στάση και στην Αθήνα για μία και μόνο παράσταση. Αυτοί οι δύο αυτοσχεδιαστές με πολύχρονη εμπειρία στον χώρο του improv theater, δεν έχουν ποτέ συνυπάρξει ως ντουέτο επί σκηνής, οπότε αυτή είναι μια παγκόσμια πρεμιέρα που δεν θέλεις να χάσεις. Συνόδεψε τον Kevin και τον Μενέλαο σε μια μοναδική αυτοσχεδιαστική ιστορία που θα γεννηθεί και θα πεθάνει την ίδια βραδιά.
As part of his Improv Euro Tour 2023, Kevin Gillese will be stopping by Athens for only one improvised show that will blow you away.
As part of his Improv Euro Living 2023, Menelaos Prokos will be stopping by ImproVIBE for only one improvised show that will blow you away.
These two highly experienced improvisers have never met as a duo on stage before, so this is a world premiere that you do not want to miss. Come join Kevin and Menelaos for a unique improvised story that will be brought to life before your eyes.
Kevin is a Canadian comedy writer and performer with more than twenty years of experience squeezing laughs out of audiences. He has written or co-written ten plays that have been produced at theatres in Canada and the United States. And he has written and produced dozens of short films, online sketches and web series… some of which are actually pretty good (highlights below).
Kevin started out as an improviser & writer in Edmonton way back in the late 90s. He worked with improv institution, Rapid Fιre Theatre, and eventually became the Artistic Director there for several years by the late 2000s. In 2010, he moved to Atlanta to take the Artistic Director job at Dad’s Garage Theatre, a position he held for exactly a decade, during which time he oversaw the development and production of over thirty original comedic plays as well as countless other comedy projects and events.
He now splits his time between Atlanta and Edmonton, freelancing his life away.
Menelaos Prokos is an improviser based in Athens, Greece, although his improv brain developed in Austin, TX. After that, he moved back to his hometown in 2012, where he founded ImproVIBE, Greece's first improv school and theater.
During the years of ImproVIBE's operation he's been teaching students, performing shows, training instructors and developing courses for all levels. He is also the producer of Mt Olymprov, Greece's International improv Festival, that had its first edition in 2016.
He is heavily involved in applied improvisation, working with companies from all around the world. Outside of Greece, he has taught/performed all over Europe, as well as USA, India and Colombia. His teaching primarily focuses on acting natural, adding fun and realism that comes directly from the heart, and pushing the students towards enjoying everything they do on stage. He strongly believes in creating emotional improv with a purpose that goes beyond the quick joke and has impact, not just for the audience but for the performers as well.