Η κυτταρίτιδα είναι φυσιολογική και αυτό το κορίτσι ξεκίνησε μια viral καμπάνια μέσω Instagram
Αυτή είναι η ιστορία της Kenzie Brenna από τον Καναδά
Δημοσίευση 4/11/2016 | 18:56
Η Kenzie Brenna, μία 26χρονη από τον Καναδά, ηθοποιός, συγγραφέας και υπέρμαχος της θετικής στάσης απέναντι στο σώμα μας, δημιούργησε το hashtag #CelluliteSaturday, σε μία προσπάθειά της να εξοικειώσει τις γυναίκες με την κυτταρίτιδα.
Mε το ποσοστό των γυναικών που έχουν κυτταρίτιδα να ανέρχεται στο 90% και δεδομένου ότι η κυτταρίτιδα συναντάται σε γυναίκες όλων των σωματότυπων, θα έλεγε κανείς ότι δεν θα πρέπει να είναι ακόμα θέμα ταμπού. Παρ' ολ' αυτά, η πλειονότητα των γυναικών νιώθει άβολα στην θέα της «όψης φλοιού πορτοκαλιού», προσπαθεί να την κρύψει με κάθε τρόπο και νιώθει ακόμα και το αίσθημα ντροπής.
Αυτή την πεποίθηση προσπαθεί να αλλάξει η Brenna με τις φωτογραφίες της που ανεβάζει στο Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/omgkenzieee/ ) όπως οι παρακάτω. Μόνο που πλέον δεν είναι μόνη καθώς πολλές γυναίκες ανεβάζουν πλέον τις δικές τους φωτογραφίες με το ίδιο hashtag.
IF YOU TRY TO SELL ME YOUR CELLULITE TREATMENT, I DON'T WANT IT. 😷 Now thats out of the way... This girl goes to the gym 4-5x a week. She weightlifts, includes cardio and plyometrics, she eats a personal well balanced diet and has for the last year. For those of you who comment and tell me "if you only lost ten pounds your cellulite would go away," without having researched my page to see I have lost over 50 pounds and yes my cellulite appear has reduced but it has not "gone away." Here are the stats again: 93% of women have cellulite. AND- You have a 90% chance of developing cellulite if you're a woman. 🙆💕If those stats don't make you feel at home and normal in your body I don't know what will 💕🙆 We have made it a "COSMETIC issue" not an indication of health. This is straight from the doc's mouth, not mine. It has to do with a combination of genetics and hormones. Which you can really only fuck with to a certain extent. THE ONLY WAY TO REMOVE CELLULITE IS TO REMOVE FAT. Can you remove fat through a topical cream? By massaging it? By drinking green tea? By rubbing coconut oil on yourself? That's not how it works. Stop this misinformation right now. 👏Cellulite is normal. And the beauty industry capitalizes on saying we need it removed.👏 Again, I'm not going to shame a woman for trying to work to get rid of hers I completely understand and respect the decision to do so. This message isn't for her. This message is for women who crave acceptance, self love and want appreciation for their bodies as they exist right now. Also sorry for the dbl watermark, I saw some people using my photos and cropped out my name from them 🙃 how nice! #cellulitesaturday #mermaidthighs #effyourbeautystandards #bodypositivity #nobodyshame #lovetheskinyourein #thisiswhatfitlookslike
Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Kenzie B (@omgkenzieee) στις Οκτ 29, 2016, 6:56πμ PDT
🌤 HAPPY SATURDAY MORNING ☀️ It's also #cellulitesaturday, I realize I didn't post one last week. But I sorta wanna try to make it a thing. The word cellulite still makes me cringe. It still makes me wanna run and hide and not come out and I have somehow lipsuctioned it out of me or try to dry brush it into the dark places of the universe. That's really not the fucking case. The only way to get rid of cellulite is to lose overall fat. With overall fatloss, your body may lose fat in the areas that you have celluli- AND HERES THE JOOCEY PART, YOUR BODY MAY ALSO ✨NOT✨ LOSE FAT FROM THOSE AREAS.💞 Because we cannot spot reduce (stop it, we can't, pls don't comment and say you can I'll just delete you misinforming people) you can't pick or choose whether or not you are a person who can reduce your appearance of cellulite. Notice how I said appearance. Appearance because cellulite LITERALLY translates to the appearance of fat cells. And because we will forever have fat cells at some percentage or another, for women (and some men,) you can't really avoid this baby. We all have it to some degree or another. It's not an indication of health or fitness level or self worth. ITS A COSMETIC "ISSUE." It's just a thing our bodies do. It's just a thing our bodies do. It's just a fucking thing our bodies do. It's that simple. And the beauty industry capitalizes on it. Imagine if a unicorn was chopping off its horn because it's culture says so. We would tell that beautiful unicorn that it's bananas for doing something like that. 🦄🌸💕 No. Just no. Like I said in my previous cellulite posts, it's difficult for me to accept, but I eat my greens, I drink my water, I foam roll, I'm at the gym 5x a week, I have Epsom salt baths, I've dry brushed, got "cellulite massages", tried creams and considered getting surgery. So don't tell me a way to "fix it." I'm over it 🙅🚫 #celluliteacceptance #endbodyshame #thisiswhatfitlookslike #boldandbeautiful
Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Kenzie B (@omgkenzieee) στις Οκτ 8, 2016, 6:03πμ PDT